⭐️ 皮薄低卡餃子Fresh dumping ⭐️





而家除左士多啤梨味,仲有多4隻味啦!平時肉鬆 /菠蘿 都食得多,今次個皮係用左竹炭/紫薯整成,都幾特別!同埋食過士多啤梨隻味既,都知好CLEAN,一啲都唔油!大家又多幾個選擇! I really like this kind of puff pastry. We refrigerate instead of the freezer so that the golden pineapple filling is not too sticky. It's a good crunchy charcoal rice flour, not too firm and hard to chew. The filling is a little sweet, very delicious. ------------------------------- 呢隻見到個樣好似好正,開黎勁香士多啤梨味,裡面全部新鮮士多啤梨肉,又唔會太甜!無加糖,無油炸,真心勁健康!推介呀! ❌ Not fried ❌ No sugar ❌ No butter/milk ❌ No eggs ✨味道/營養資料 Flavor/NF✨ 120g/ bottle,1/2 Jar 士多啤梨Strawberry - 150kcal, 21C, 4.5P, 4.5F 菠蘿Pineapple – 120kcal, 20C, 3P,3F 雞肉鬆Chick Floss – 120kcal, 18C, 6P, 3F 辣味雞肉鬆Spicy Chick Floss – 120kcal, 18C, 6P, 3F 吞拿魚Tuna - 120kcal, 18C, 6P,3F 咸蛋肉鬆Salt Egg - 120kcal, 18C, 6P,3F ✨主要成份Key Ingredients✨ 全麥、杏仁粉、米糠油 士多啤梨、亞麻籽(士多啤梨) 菠蘿醬、竹炭(菠蘿) 雞肉鬆、紫薯粉(雞肉鬆) 雞肉鬆、辣醬 (辣味雞肉鬆) 吞拿魚 Wholewheat, Almond Powder, Rice bran oil, Strawberry paste ,Flax seeds (Strawberry) Pineapple Paste, Charcoal (Pineapple) Chick Floss, Chilli Paste (Spicy Chick Floss) Chick Floss,Chilli Paste, Sweet potato powder (Chick Floss) Tuna in mineral water (Tuna) ✨保存期✨ ~1.5 個月 ✨點樣落單Buyer Notice✨ 👉網上落單Website Order 👉大概14天到貨 ~14 working days for product arrival 👉門市交收/本地速遞/ 地鐵站交收Local Delivery / MTR Station Trade #健康零食 #低卡零食 #生酮零食 #低脂 #低碳飲食 #生酮香港 #增肌 #減肥 #健身 #減肥日記 #飲食記錄 #低碳零食 #低脂零食 #生酮飲食 #生酮甜點 #生酮外食 #香港健身 #healthysnacks #hkfoodie #hkfoodblog #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodstagram #fasting #keto #lowcarb #hkketo #hkfitness #hkgym #hkveganfriendly
